Sunday, May 20, 2012

Families Supporting Adoption 5K

JD, Kristin and I ran the Colorado Families Supporting Adoption (FSA) 5K on Saturday morning.  I guess I shouldn't say "run", it was more of a "speed walk".  JD hurt his calf playing basketball earlier in the week and I had a cold... so needless to say, we were worthless as runners.  Which was probably fine, because there were some hills on this 5K! Kristin was kind enough to walk with us, though I think her legs were frozen.  It was probably 40 degrees outside, windy, on-and-off rain and overall, just a cold day.  Kristin actually had to sit in the car after the race with the heat on full-blast to bring feeling back into her legs. We let her sit there while we mingled with new people we are meeting in the group. She is such a good sport!  And a good supporter of our efforts to be a part of FSA and adoption in general!

Many people who have adopted through LDS Family Services have really encouraged us to be a part of FSA.  At first, I was so hesitant.  It is tough for me to walk into a group of people and be the "new" person.  I think it also made me really nervous because by merely going, all these "strangers" would look at me and know immediately that we had a problem -- an infertility problem.  At the time, that still felt so personal, that I didn't want people to just know that about me.  I felt like I had it written all over my shirt. But it was something I needed to get over.

Our first activity with FSA was back around Christmas.  The activity was held at a church building near our home.  We knew we should attend, and we were going to do it. But we told ourselves, "We don't have to stay. We can leave after a few minutes." Of course, the people there were so nice and friendly, that we stayed.   After getting over this initial fear, I realized that the people in the FSA group are great and normal and just like JD and I.  We just all happen to be adding to our families through adoption.  And we all have our own stories as to how we came to the choice of adoption.  I am sure some couple's stories are similar to ours.  Others might be drastically different.  I bet we have all felt similar emotions and somehow, we are all moving forward in life and trying to make it the best life possible, with what we have been given.

When I also think about adoption, I really see it as a miracle that will take place in our lives.  That is so cool to me -- I get to be a part of a miracle!  We have been told that the Spirit will be very strong when we meet the right birth mother.   The Spirit will confirm to us that we will parent the child we are meant to have!  I am excited for this!  So, do I agree with my friends who have encouraged me to be apart of FSA?  Absolutely!  And I would give the same advice to anyone else who gets to experience the journey to adopt!

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