Friday, May 25, 2012

Quotable Kids

I happened to be looking through some journals that I have written in off and on for the past few years. I should say more "off" than "on."  There were so many things that I had forgotten that I had done, or heard or felt.  I want to write in the journal more!  I don't want to forget my life!  I always think that I will remember everything, but just reading some exerts from 2004 made me realize, I have forgotten most of 2004 evidently!  

 It also got me thinking about my 11 years teaching kindergarten -- to many English Language Learners, and my 10 years of being an aunt -- and I tried to remember the funny things that I have been told by kids.   So... here are a few of my favorites:

  • Nevaeh told me that she was wearing a "new vase."  Uh, no, that's a vest, dear.
  • Brandon once yelled at me (he always seemed to yell when he spoke) while lined up to go in our classroom, "Your face looks funny!"  That was the day I didn't have time to put on make-up.  
  • I must've been having a bad year with my face, because Christopher told me, "You have red dots on your face."  Okay, not dots, Christopher, but they are called pimples, zits or blemishes.
  • An all-time favorite was a mom who came to tell me her daughter came home the previous day and said, "Mrs. T is marrying a teenager."  The kids had just been introduced to JD the day before when he dropped by.  I assured her he was of legal marrying age.
  • My niece Halyee told this one to her kindergarten teacher:  "Mrs. ___, are Mermaids real?  Because my mom said they are not.  And every night I pray to Heavenly Father that they are real because that is all I want to be when I grow up."
  • I read this next one in my journal from 2004.  I was laying down with my 2 yr old niece, Anna, who was getting ready to take a nap. We were reading a book.  I asked her if she could share her blanket with me.  She said, "Yes, as long as you don't suck on it." 
These quotes just make me laugh!!!  I love them.  They bring back good memories.  

One thing that I said in my journal that really hit me, was I had a goal to "take more time for caring."  I was referencing the kids at school -- take the time to show them that I care for them, and not just care about their academics.  Wow.  I've thought, "Who else do I need to take time for caring."  My husband, my family, my siblings, my in-laws, my friends, my kiddos at school.... Lots of people.  We all need to be cared for.

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