Sunday, October 23, 2011

Starting Out

This is JD.  I feel that I need to set up a few ground rules/expectations for this blog before we start spilling all kinds of beans.

  1. I will always start off by saying who is writing.  It's always bothered me to read these and think "now, wait, who's writing this again?"  I do this more for Amanda's sake so when I say or write some stuff she can disclaim it.  
  2. I will try and be as honest as my head and heart will allow me to be.  I'm generally a "keep it inside" type of person - Facebook and I are still on a probationary status, but I'm trying.  Just ask Amanda.
That's it.  I like simplicity.

OK, on to stuff you might enjoy reading more (unless you're my mom, then you're pouring over this!)  Yes, Amanda and I are trying to adopt.  We started the actual process around July of this year and today we attended our first CORE training!  This is something that we've been thinking about for almost a year now and it's really exciting to actually be here.  Granted, we still have a ways to go before we complete all the paperwork (we're thinking 4-6 months) but I suggested that we start this blog now so we could have something to look back on.

Training these past couple of days, despite all our preparations (reading books about adoption, talking to others with experiences, etc) it was a lot of new things and perspectives that we'd never considered.  Personally, I came away with a sense of awe at the "selection" process.  It is truly humbling to see the ways the spirit can influence our lives, and the lives of those we love, for the better.  I also came away with a growing sense of the higher purpose behind adoption - it's all about the child.  In fact, the priorities as I see them are 1 - child, 2 - Birthmother, 3 - Adoptive Parents.  Yes, we're last.  And I'm really ok with that.

I'm amazed at the changes that have already occurred in my thoughts and feelings since we began to consider this option last year.  I'm excited to see what's next for us!

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