Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Weekend

This is JD again.

Amanda and I had a great weekend!  One of the highlights was attending the blessing of our newest nephew, Simon.  Cute kid - holy hair, though!  I'm glad that we've had the chance to attend a few baby blessings over the years - this is our sixth niece or nephew that I've been around for (Amanda had five already by the time I came along).

In addition to the baby blessing we also spent a lot of time with family.  Last night was the combined birthday party of Crespin and Cicily (2 and 4) and a welcome home party for my brother-in-law, Ben.  Full house!  It was hilarious watching Crespin and Cicily spend more time playing with the toys on their cakes than eating the cake!  Or, in Crespin's case, eating the cake using the toys.

Tonight we did a halloween party with Amanda's sister and their family.  They had a great time making all kinds of treats using melted chocolate (rats, cars, eyeballs) and Amanda and I were grateful that we were making it all at their house!

Even though Amanda and I joke around sometimes when we ask each other "Are you sure you want kids?" the answer is always the same - yes.  In the meantime, though, we love being the world's best Aunt and Uncle!

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